iPhone App: 20 Dehnübungen

Wer ein iPhone, iPod touch oder iPad mit iOS 4.0 besitzt, gehört zur Zielgruppe der englischsprachigen App „StretchPro“ ($2.99).

Von der Herstellerseite:

StretchPro 1.1 is an app that reminds you to take regular stretch breaks throughout the day – whether you’re at the office, at home, in the airport, or simply on the go – with simple but effective stretches presented in both video and text form. The stretches provided cover stress points including eyes, neck, shoulders, back, wrists and legs, to help prevent or reduce discomfort, muscle strain, fatigue, stress, and injury. Soothing videos demonstrate the correct way to perform each stretch. You may select any one of 20 videos, focus on one area of the body, view them all from head to toe, or play in shuffle mode. In addition to stretches, the app also includes eye and breathing exercises, and health tips.

Da ich keines der kompatiblen Geräte besitze, habe ich es allerdings nicht selbst getestet, kann zur Qualität also nichts sagen.

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